Our events centre is a place of excellence, dedicated to the improvement of skin cancer treatment through research and teaching.
Unfortunately, medicine is an inexact science. This means that as a profession we are constantly learning and research is a critical component of that.
At Skintel, we have built dedicated facilities to foster a culture of continuous improvement. Unfortunately, research and publications amongst dermatologists have declined over the last 5 years, at Skintel we are hoping to reverse that trend.
Upcoming Events
Some of the meetings/sessions we host at the Skintel Academic Centre:
- Regular teaching sessions for GPs, training doctors, and other specialists.
- Complex case meetings where specialists share complicated cases so we can continue to learn from each other.
- Journal clubs where doctors get together (in-person & virtually) to discuss and review the latest skin cancer research from around the world.
- Intermittently we also host community events to help with educating the general public.