About Us

When we set up Skintel, we wanted to create something a little bit special – a skin cancer clinic that felt more human and friendly, while still offering world-class diagnostic technology and up-to-date medical expertise.

It’s this unique combination of care and expertise that helps our clients to stop fearing skin cancer – and start taking practical steps to prevent it, detect it, and get the best treatment if needed.

Using the very latest medical technology and procedures, we’ll also explain why these help, how they work, and what they do, in language you’ll understand. So, whether you’re just having a check-up or needing some treatment, we’re with you every step of the way.

Say hello to peace of mind

Meet the Skintel Team.

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Our New Zealand based specialists have decades of professional experience. What makes our team really special is their friendly, clear and caring manner.

Meet the Full Team

Our Doctors.

Dr. David Lim


Specialist Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon

David has extensive experience in skin cancer and an exquisite ability to detect the earliest signs of skin cancer, meaning you can often avoid the need for surgical treatments. He has a wealth of international experience including London & the USA.

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Dr. Eugene Tan


Specialist Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon

Eugene is an academic dermatologist and Mohs surgeon. He is also an Honorary Consultant at The Alfred Hospital Melbourne and previously, was an editor at the Australasian Journal of Dermatology.

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