Biopsy Punch: A Tool for Accurate Diagnosis

A punch biopsy is a minor procedure where a small skin sample is taken to confirm the diagnosis of a skin cancer or condition. At Skintel, patient comfort is our priority, and a biopsy punch, shave, curettage, or incision is always completed with a local anaesthetic to numb the biopsy site.

Illustration of punch biopsy before and after

What is A Punch Biopsy Procedure?

A punch biopsy is a simple yet precise method that dermatologists use to examine skin abnormalities, including skin cancer, psoriasis, and more. Following the administration of local anesthetic, our specialists use a specialised punch biopsy tool that takes a cylindrical piece of skin to remove a small section of the skin’s deeper layers. Pathologists then examine this sample under a microscope to provide an accurate diagnosis.

For very small lesions, we may end up removing the whole lesion. This is sometimes referred to as a punch excision.

Punch Biopsy Aftercare

For a punch biopsy, the whole procedure takes around 10 minutes. You will be able to drive home afterwards and return to your normal daily routine. The anaesthetic will wear off a few hours after the procedure. The pain is usually mild, feeling like a small graze, and can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers such as Panadol if need be.

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Stitches Aftercare

Some patients may need stitches, and we provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to promote swift and proper healing. Our experts will provide you with all the information you need for an excellent recovery, including any small lifestyle changes needed over the course of your recovery to minimise the risk of the stitches coming apart or other complications. You will normally need to return to the clinic around one week later to have the stitches removed. 

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Ensuring Your Comfort

We understand that the thought of any medical procedure can cause anxiety, which is why we prioritise patient comfort and clarity. Rest assured, we aim to make your punch biopsy experience as pain-free as possible and are dedicated to answering any questions you may have about the punch biopsy procedure, including all aspects of the healing process.

Contact Us

Get in touch with our friendly team today to book an appointment with one of our specialist dermatologists. We offer full skin checks through dermoscopy – this is the most accurate form of skin cancer detection when completed by a dermatologist. Your specialist will suggest a punch biopsy only where it’s necessary. Let the experts take care of you!

Your Questions Answered.

Shave biopsy vs a punch biopsy: each have their own advantages, depending on what is required. Neither is better than the other; it all comes down to which will be most beneficial for the lesion or area that needs to be biopsied. Our qualified dermatologists can recommend which procedure will be best for your individual needs based on an expert assessment.

When it comes to having a punch biopsy, the pain afterwards is generally very mild and manageable. Once the local anaesthetic wears off, it may feel like you have a minor cut to your skin. Your dermatologist may prescribe medication if required. While significant complications after a punch biopsy are unlikely, unmanageable pain or other unusual symptoms must be addressed with the dermatologist immediately.

Once the wound has healed, there will normally be a residual small punch biopsy scar. If your wound requires stitches, you will receive punch biopsy stitches aftercare instructions and a stitch-removal appointment to remove them. It is vital that you follow these instructions so that there are no healing complications and that you aren’t left with major scarring.